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Summer Dog Sledding

Experience dog sledding in the summer in Svalbard!

© Agurtxane Concellon / Green Dog

Dog sledding with a difference

Many associate dog sledding with winter and freezing temperatures, but the dogs need exercise during the summer months as well, and these custom-built dog sledges on wheels is a perfect way for both two-and four legged to get out and enjoy the beautiful Svalbard scenery.

You will be collected from your hotel, and taken out to the Bolter Valley where the dog yard is situated, and where the dogs are eagerly waiting for your arrival. You’ll help the guide to harness the dogs who’ll be pulling your sledge-on wheel. The barking and howling may seem somewhat chaotic, but suddenly everything changes. In an instant, as the dogs start to run, they become completely silent. Fully focused on the task at hand, the dogs pull the sledge-on-wheels ahead, so that you can focus on enjoying the fantastic landscape around the Advent Valley.

Keep your eyes open – wildlife is often seen in this area! On this trip you may spot Svalbard reindeer, polar foxes and Svalbard grouse. Birdlife is also very common, including little auks, Arctic terns and Arctic skuas. You will travel a good distance from the town, and the beauty of the Advent Valley is mesmerising. Afterwards; relax with a hot drink in the cosy log cabin at the yards, and enjoy some cuddles with the newest litter of puppies.

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