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Fjord Norway Kayaking

Experience the majestic beauty of the Norwegian fjords by paddling their still waters.

© Christian Remøy / 62°NORD

Kayak through the Fjords

Experience the majestic beauty of the Norwegian fjords by paddling their still waters. This is one of the best ways to appreciate the sheer size of these natural wonders and discover secret coves and inlets where the cruise ships can not go.

Glimpse farms in bright Scandinavian colours dotting the mountainsides and perhaps the bleat of goats in the fjord farms. Snow caps the mountains above even in summer, and an abundance of wildlife—including sea eagles and porpoises—are almost close enough to touch!

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Inspired by this experience? Why not take a look what else is possible in Fjord Norway!

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© Sverre Hjørnevik www.fjordnorway.com

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